Thursday 16 August 2012

Clovelly – quaint village but too touristy?

Clovelly is a big tourist drawcard in North Devon in the UK. I think it is worth visiting even though you are now charged an entrance fee – which I think is a bit much when you are visiting a fishing village where people live and work. The village is still privately owned ( by the same family since the 1700's) which perhaps explains the unusual arrangement.

So what is special about it?  Well the main street is a very steep pedestrian only one leading down to the Harbour which looks out over the Bristol Channel.

Charles Kingsley wrote The Water Babies and Westward Ho! while he was living there.

If you are in that part of the world, you should visit it – hopefully at a time when it is not heaving with tourists.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.... I could definitely be wrong, but that looks an awful lot like the town where "Doc Martin" is filmed!


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