Friday 17 January 2020

Foodie Friday – Angels on Horseback

Angels on Horseback is a traditional (originally English) canape dating from Victorian times.  If you like oysters, you'll like this. I couldn't find out why angels, or horses for that   matter.

You just wrap each oyster in bacon, secure with a cocktail stick, and either fry or roast them.


  1. I wish I'd seen this post LAST week! I happened to glance in the fish bin at Walmart and saw containers of oysters. They tend to stock unusual items like that over the holiday, here in Arkansas. But I didn't know what to DO with them so I left them. I've made oyster stew before, and loved it, but couldn't see myself making it last week due to other stuff going on. But it would only take a second to wrap oysters in bacon! If they have any oysters this week, I will grab some. Thanks!


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