Monday, 16 February 2015

Nostalgia alert!

Strawberry and condensed milk sandwiches

 If you think that mixing strawberries and sweetened condensed milk and putting them between slices of white bread sounds sickeningly sweet and fattening – well, you'd be right.  But my father was fond of this combo and would feed it to us – particularly when we were camping overnight in our wee tent on a trailer.

I couldn't face making one to show you so I'm afraid I relied on Mr Google for the image (which is much fancier than the ones we ate).  And the fact that it wasn't easy to find an image suggest to me that this combination is not popular now – if it ever was!


  1. See, I'd be tempted to bring it up to date, get the fresh strawberries between slices of sourdough with real butter or, a spread layer of clotted cream and a twist of black pepper.

  2. They sell these in Japanese convenience stores, wrapped in plastic and cut into triangles. I've never tried them because they seemed strange, but I think I'll have to give it a shot now!

  3. Wow, I would never have imagined that combination in a million years !!

  4. Wow - think this sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing! Might have to try to recreate this gem.


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