Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Berry 'Cocktail'

Carole's Chatter: Berry 'Cocktail'

This Berry 'Cocktail' was both simple and stunning.  The secret to it was using a fancy glass as well as a little limoncello.

I just layered raspberries strawberries and blueberries in the glass and poured some limoncello (a lemon liqueur) over it.  The garnish was a sprig of basil.

Carole's Chatter: Berry 'Cocktail'

If you included a little icecream this would make a good parfait.


  1. Yum! I love berries!
    I would love if you would share on my Friday Favorites linkup!

  2. That is absolutely beautiful!! I cannot wait until berry season starts. I've been noticing strawberries in the grocery store, but it's still a little early.

  3. That is so pretty! It must be berry season where you are. I can hardly wait!

  4. that looks so pretty!! I love fresh berries, we won't be buying frozen any more, Australia is in the midst of a big Hep A scare with contaminated imported frozen berries. Hopefully it will help tighten up our food labelling regulations :)

  5. That's a great idea! Somehow we've ended up with three open bottles of limoncello in the freezer...

  6. Ooh, limoncello and fruit - a terrific combination. I just happen to have a bottle in my freezer.


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