Friday, 9 July 2021

Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse


Out of the Dust was a real surprise.  I would never have chosen this one for myself.  It was published in 1997 but has a much older feel.


The whole book is in blank verse. It tells the story of a 14 year old girl living through the dust (after drought) in Oklahoma starting in 1934. 


It is a tour de force.  Billie's voice comes through and the terrible circumstances of her family (and so many others). 


There is sadness and despair and finally a tad of hope.  I dare you to read it.


  1. I've read and reviewed this one too. I liked this novel too.

  2. I found Out of the Dust through my sons, read and reviewed it. Karen Hesse is a very good author who can bring to life kids from all sorts of eras.

  3. This sounds intriguing. I had not heard of it before.


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