Friday, 9 July 2021

Food on Friday: July 2021


It's the second Friday of the month so here is Food on Friday. 


As you can see, there are 2 new themes – Chocolate and Potatoes.  I hope you'll find some great stuff in your archives to share. 


Feel free to add a number of things under each category and come back later in the month to add more if you would like to.   


To add your dishes, just put the name of the dish together with your blog name/name into the first Mr Linky box you will find below.  Then paste the url for your post about it into the second box. Mr Linky now makes you tick a compliance box which I always forget first time!


I'll be pinning your creations to the relevant Pinboards – Chocolate and Potatoes.


Have fun! And stay safe!


  1. Carole, here's a potato recipe, wouldn't exactly call it a potato "dish," though!

  2. Happy July everyone! --Dorothy at

  3. Hi, Carole and all!

    The post for Anna Sultana’s Double Chocolate Cake also has a link for her Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Butter Topping, which is a bit easier to make.

    The post for Anna Sultana’s Scalloped Potatoes also has links for four other potato recipes, as well as Ma's baked macaroni and her baked rice recipes, and a link for her Tres Leches Cake.

    Enjoy July!! ~ Marg

  4. Hello Carole

    I hope you are doing well. Sorry I was a little late to the party but did manage to find a few things to bring along.
    Thanks for hosting. Cheers!! Christoph


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers