Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Midnight Chicken by Ella Risbridger

The subtitle of Midnight Chicken is "& Other Recipes Worth Living For".  This book is not a memoir but is also not at all a standard cookbook.

The author pulled herself out of depression by learning to cook.  She writes quirky recipes and there are no photos.  But there are charming illustrations.

On the cover there are Things to Remember

"This book has three main morals, and I urge you to remember them and apply them liberally

1 Salt your pasta water
2 If in doubt, butter
3 Keep going"

I've copied  5 recipes – which isn't too bad – for Pocket Potatoes, Trashy Ginger Beer Chicken, Marmite Spaghetti, Miso Ginger Aubergine and Lemon Possets.

A lot of the recipes include lashings of garlic, otherwise I would have tried many more.

Give this a go – I think you will be drawn in by this engaging book.


  1. I do like photos with recipes but I think the personal stories would make up for that.

  2. I went online and found this! Sounds absolutely amazing and such a deep story! My kind of book! Thank you! I love garlic everything so I will probably try even more recipes than you!!

  3. The personal chatty style adds so much taste to the receipes!

  4. This sounds so good. We love garlic, so that's a bonus. You can always leave the garlic out if you don't like it.

  5. This sounds like a fun book! Will keep an eye out for it!


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