Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Mango Cocktail - Christmas Cheer

Carole's Chatter: Mango Cocktail - Christmas Cheer

I looked back into my archives for something just a little bit Christmassy to share and came up with this Mango Cocktail.

If this doesn't feel Christmassy to you, just remember that where I live Christmas falls in high summer so tropical fruit is appropriate.

This lovely smooth cocktail is simple to make:

Instead of putting ice in it I just refrigerated all the ingredients overnight so they were nice and cool

For 4 serves just blend together:

180ml white rum (or less if you prefer less of a kick)
1 teaspoon or a bit more of lemon juice
425g can of mango pieces in juice
250ml of milk
2 tablespoons of caster sugar – I used ½ teaspoon of stevia powder instead

Pour into your festive glasses and enjoy.

Merry Christmas

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