Friday, 20 December 2019

Foodie Friday – Crumpets

A Crumpet is English slang for a girl but in cooking terms it is a little griddle cake.  The best crumpets have lots of holes and can be enjoyed with just a smear of butter.  Crumpets come from the UK but are also popular in New Zealand.

Wikipedia says they were once known as pikelets but I don't think that can be right.  Pikelets are little pancakes – they don't have holes.
This is a NZ recipe for crumpets (thanks Herald):


2 tsp
Active yeast
1 tsp
½ cup
½ cup
1¾ cups
½ tsp
¾ tsp
Baking soda
½ cup
Water, warm 

  1. Combine yeast and sugar. Heat water and milk until just above body temperature. Sprinkle over yeast and sugar and leave in a warm place for 10 minutes until frothy.
  2. Place flour and salt in a large bowl. Add yeast mixture and stir to combine to form a soft dough. Cover and place in a warm place for 40 minutes or until doubled in size.
  3. Combine second quantity of water and soda and stir vigorously through dough. Cover and leave for 30 minutes in a warm place.
  4. Heat a frying pan to a low heat. Spray a 9cm cookie cutter with oil and place into middle of frying pan. Fill with ½ cup of crumpet mixture. Cook for 4 or 5 minutes until bubbles appear and the edges are starting to set. Remove from ring and cook top for 2 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.
  5. Serve with your favourite jam, golden syrup or grill with cheese and ham.

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know that although 'crumpet' is a slang word for girl, it is not considered polite to use it these days!


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