Wednesday 2 October 2019

Books You Loved: October Edition

Books You Loved: September continued to provide reviews of great books. Thank you to all. Here are a few that caught my eye:

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert was reviewed by Melissa of Chick Lit Central.  Her review said 'I loved everything about this novel. It is extremely well-written and captivating throughout. …
City of Girls is such a beautifully told story about love in its many forms. I recommend it to everyone as a must-read. It is definitely one of my favorite novels from this year.'

Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews brought us Seabreeze Inn by Jan Moran.  Elizabeth said 'SEABREEZE INN is truly an enjoyable, lovely read that will lift your spirits and have you looking up famous artists and seeing if the town is real or fictional. 5/5'

Dorothy of the Nature of Things reviewed a debut novel – Marilou is Everywhere by Sarah Elaine Smith.  Her review said 'Smith had me from the very first of this novel right through its ending. Her prose gives the reader entry into this strange but tender world. … It is, as I said in the beginning, a remarkable accomplishment in a first novel.'

Last one this time is Love and Other Battles by Tess Woods.  The ladies from Chick Lit Central said 'Love and Other Battles is a powerful story about relationships between significant others and between family members. … Some parts I did not see coming left me reeling when they hit me all of a sudden. I went through a book hangover that lasted from Saturday night until Wednesday morning, during which time I wasn't ready to start a new book.'

Now on to the October edition.  There are no rules for this party.  The only requirement is that your post is about a book that you loved.

To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box. Mr Linky now also makes you tick a box.

I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance.  It also has links from previous Octobers…


  1. The working robots see one human girl and decide to help her...

  2. Thanks, Carole! So kind of you to send the reminder email!

  3. Thanks for the reminder and the opportunity to share!

  4. Once again I've given you links to three books that I read and loved in the last month. I hope some of your readers will discover them and enjoy them as much as I did. Cheers!


  6. always a great list of books to be found here.

  7. Hello Carole, this month I have linked in historical fiction Queen of the North by Anne O'Brien and Christian non-fiction Searching For Sunday by Rachel Held Evans. Happy reading!


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers