Sunday 14 July 2019

Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts

Carole's Chatter: Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts

These Bacon Wrapped Water Chestnuts had a nice texture.  Next time I'd just brush the water chestnuts with honey, wrap them and brush with chilli butter (like these bacon wrapped prawns).  But still make an interesting little bite.


Small tin of water chestnuts (drained)
Marinade – soy sauce, honey, Dijon mustard


Marinade your water chestnuts for half an hour or so, stirring now and again. Soak your toothpicks in water (they still burned a bit)

Wrap each water chestnut in bacon and secure with a toothpick.  Brush a bit of marinade on each.

Bake in a hottish oven for 15 minutes, then baste again and finish with another 10-15 minutes.

Serve with a little herby garnish (dill).  Wait 5-10 minutes before eating or you will burn your mouth – I know from experience.

I didn't have enough bacon so I wrapped some of the water chestnuts in a wonton wrapper.  That worked ok too.

PS I had a can of water chestnuts which has sat in my cupboard for years and years.  I'm not sure why they aren't used more.  They stay crunchy despite being cooked.  They are not nuts at all but the centre of an aquatic vegetable.  It grows in Asia, Africa and Australasia.


  1. Simple , yet I'm sure delicious! My mom used to use water chestnuts to her cooking. I haven't seen them in years!

  2. I love this -- and everything is better with bacon!


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