Friday, 7 June 2019

Foodie Friday - Bubble and squeak

Bubble and squeak is a very traditional part of an English breakfast.  Originally it was make from leftover cooked mashed potato and cabbage.  Mixed together and then shallow fried.  Delicious!

It got its name because the cabbage makes squeaking noises while it is being fried.  This delicacy was often made on a Monday using the leftovers from the Sunday roast.  Remember Sunday roasts?

The following is Nigel Slater's take on it:


Most recipes suggest equal quantities of cooked potatoes to shredded cabbage, though much depends on what you have to hand. Take your leftover spuds out of the fridge an hour in advance, then mash them with a fork or food mixer. Shred leftover or freshly cooked greens (half and half by volume, not weight) finely, then mix them with the potato. Melt a thick slice of butter in a non-stick frying pan and, when it sizzles, add the potato mixture. Press down and smooth flat then leave to fry over a moderate heat until a thin crust has formed. Turn over and cook the underside, then serve.


The only difficult bit about this recipe is turning the sizzling cake over in the pan in order to brown the underside. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. The easiest way is to put a plate or chopping board over the top of the frying pan, tip the pan upside down and shake gently. Making the mixture into small patties is a delightful cheat, or you could simply cook the top under a hot grill to brown it. Whichever way you choose, a golden crust is important as it provides contrast to the soft, mashed potato.


Some serve this with a fried egg on top, but my own favourite twists are to fry a little bacon in the butter before adding the vegetables or to add some chopped cooked sausages to the pan creating something more like a good old fry-up. I'm not sure it is necessary to stick to cabbage either, having used shredded cooked cavolo nero, red chard and even spinach. Gravy takes this frugal dish to another level. Especially if it is piping hot and with a slug of Madeira in it.


  1. We love Bubble&Squeak. But it is Monday Lunch or Evening Meal - not breakfast. With rich brown sauce.
    I like Nigel Slater's programmes too- but OH says he thinks he is getting a bit over-the-top lately!

  2. I've been away this week and couldn't watch the new 3 part Nigel Slater series so I recorded it and saw the first one last night. Different from anything he's done before but I enjoyed it a lot. He'd been drifting away from the "real food for real people" way of doing things and now he's got back to it, only in other countries.
    But there's nothing foreign about bubble and squeak, one of my favourite lunches, always served with a pile of pickles. And I always feel it's cost nothing!


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