Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World by Debbie Tung

Quiet Girl in a Noisy World is a gem of a book.  It is a graphic story.  It deals with how the author, an introvert, feels about social interaction.  It is done with humor and by the end of the book she has become more accepting of herself instead of constantly beating herself up for not coping socially.

If you are an extrovert you should read this to understand other people who are not.  And if you are an introvert this book will be a godsend.

I used to be an extrovert but am gradually getting more introverted.  I wonder if this is common with aging?  As a late middle aged woman you don't get noticed anymore anyway.  I can't keep count of how many times young people just walk into me – I seem to be invisible to them.


  1. I have experienced that "invisibility shield," too. It's a strange sensation, isn't it? I sometimes wonder if I ever treated older people like that when I was younger. Probably, I'm guessing. Anyway, this book sounds like a winner. I'm pretty much on the introvert side of the scale, so I can certainly relate.

  2. I love graphic novels and memoirs. This one looks really good.

  3. It all depends for me. But this does look good.

  4. Well, when reading is your super power, you can be pretty sure I am an introvert, though I do a good imitation of the opposite. This sounds like a gem.

  5. Ha! I love this and so identify with all that necessary equipment!


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