Sunday, 20 January 2019

Watermelon Cooler – truly refreshing and not too sweet

Carole's Chatter: Watermelon Cooler – truly refreshing and not too sweet

A year round refresher for you today – Watermelon Cooler


Watermelon (half)
Sugar syrup (left over from my poached apricots)
Lemon juice
White rum (entirely optional)
Watermelon spears for garnish


Cut the rind off the watermelon and cut the flesh up into chunks – I didn't take the seeds out at this stage

Add a little water and blend with a stick blender.  Strain the result so you capture the seeds at this stage.

Add your sugar syrup, lemon juice and rum and blend up along with some ice cubes.  I used about 2 teaspoons only of rum – it was going to be drunk in the afternoon.  More would be fun too.

Serve with a watermelon spear for garnish.


  1. Wow, I wish I had some of that right now. Looks so refreshing. I am copying the recipe down so I can make me some.

  2. I hope you're feeling much, much better now. This drink sounds soooooo perfect for summer. Can't wait to try it.

    1. Meant to say I like that mason jar mug too

  3. Cool idea for a drinking vessel - the honorable Mason jar. Refreshing drink too, I need to wait until it's warmer here.


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