Wednesday 3 October 2018

Books You Loved: October Edition

Books You Loved: September continued to provide reviews of great books. Thank you to all. Here are a few that caught my eye:

Melissa of Chick Lit Central reviewed How to Walk Away by Katherine Center.  A fabulous book.  Melissa said 'It definitely lives up to the hype, and even exceeds it. How to Walk Away was incredible from start to finish. It held my attention the entire time.'

The Other Woman by Sandie Jones was brought over by Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews.  She said 'THE OTHER WOMAN has characters that you will hate as well characters that will have you wanting to say wake up…

THE OTHER WOMAN definitely kept my interest, but it also kept my blood pressure up. .. 

Then we have the ending...surprising and unexpected.'

JoAnn from Lakeside Musing posted about Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee.  She said 'Free Food for Millionaires is a big, exciting novel about... well, almost everything! Money and power, race and culture, love and sex, class, education, privilege, identity, and even fashion. It focuses on a Korean-American community in New York City in the 1990s, and I simply couldn't put it down.'
Katie at Doing Dewey reviewed Malagash by Joey Comeau.  I had never heard of this book before.  Katie said 'It’s the story of a young girl, Sunday, whose father is dying. It’s about grief and family and how her family in particular is coping with grief. Sunday is currently recording as much of her dying father as she can, with plans to encode his words into a computer virus so he can live forever. …
Look, you guys. I don’t do gushy very well, so I’m just going to tell you, I’m madly in love with this book.'

Now on to the October edition.  Remember the posts you link in don't have to be recent and the book concerned doesn't have to have been recently published or read.  The only requirement is that it is about a book that you loved.

To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance. 


  1. Thanks for the links, per usual!

  2. ah autumn weather here, enjoy


  3. Thank you for hosting the link-up!

  4. We are into the Autumn weather too, but it is to get warm again.

    Thanks for hosting and for featuring THE OTHER WOMAN.

  5. Late to the party, but glad to be here! Happy October to you!

  6. Posted mine. Thanks for the shout-out!

  7. So many incredible books releasing lately Carole, I'm on a bit of a middle grade adventure kick and loving it. Happy reading all!

  8. So many recommendations. Thanks for the links

  9. Hello Carole, this month I have shared my review of Alison Weir's Anne Boleyn, A King's Obsession, the unforgettable second volume in her epic historical series, Six Tudor Queens.

    1. Hi Jessica, hope you like this one, I'm really enjoying this series.

  10. My favourite book for this month wasn't a new release, shock horror. It was A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, which has been adapted into a movie starring Sigourney Weaver and Liam Neeson doing the voice of the monster. Loved the book, and hope to see the film soon.

  11. DRY is teen fiction about how neighbors deal with drought in southern California when there is no more water! It focuses on a brother and sister who wind up on their own when their parents don't return from trying to get water at the beach.

  12. I finally linked up with a mystery, Lethal White.


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers