Monday, 24 September 2018

Food in Art - Georg Flegel & Lucas van Valckenborch, An Elderly Couple 1580s

I recently had a book called Food in Art by Gillian Riley out from the library and it inspired me to post about a number of artworks featuring food.

This one is a collaboration between a still life painter (Flegel) and his master (Van Valckenborch).  The couple are said to be elderly although not by today's standards.

They look to be fairly prosperous.  There is a lot of food on that table – a bird, a joint, fruits and what look like hamburger buns!

Out the window you can see the centre of town.

1 comment:

  1. I notice paintings with food in them! When I was homeschooling, we made a point when we visited an art museum to look for the ones that had food. There were more than we imagined there would be!


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