Sunday, 3 June 2018

Balsamic Roasted Yams

Carole's Chatter: Balsamic Roasted Yams

I have only had limited success with yams.  I find that if you don't watch out they can suddenly turn mushy.  This approach was different – I have put some quantities (about time you think) but you need to adjust them to suit your preference on the spectrum between sweet and sour.


Yams, chopped
¼ cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons of brown sugar (I used rock sugar)
¼ cup butter
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper

Your choice of garnish – I used rosemary and a little glass of limoncello – which I didn't drink since it was mid morning!


Heat your oven to quite hot.

Line a roasting pan with baking paper – don't forget to do this – otherwise you'll have a sticky mess that's difficult to clean up.

In a small pan heat the balsamic, sugar and butter – until it is a little sauce like.

Put the yams into a bowl.  Pour the mixture over them and mix them about.  Put the yams onto the baking paper in a single layer.

Bake for 15 minutes on fan.  Pour the rest of the mixture over.

Bake until yams are browned – about 20 minutes or so.

I hope you agree that the photo is a bit better than my usual effort.  I have been reading up about food photography. This is the first time I've ever practised the set up before cooking the food!  And I used a tripod!


  1. I love yams, but I do have a time with cooking them. I have eaten mushy more than once.

  2. They're fine mushy if you want them that way, like flavored mashed potatoes, even with some toasted pecans, butter, etc. added. Yours also sound quite good.

  3. Carole,
    The combination of brown sugar and balsamic sounds delicious. I make yams in my Instant Pot- they come out soft but taste good

  4. I love all the flavors in this recipe. I usually roast my sweet potatoes/yams tossed in a little olive oil and spices like cumin, cinnamon, ginger ... but I'm trying your combination soon. I have two yams waiting to be used up.

  5. Your yams look so pretty on the plate! ;-)

  6. I've never used balsamic vinegar on them but we do like the roasted yams in our house. I bet we eat them 3 times a week lately.


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