Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Lots of people are giving up on having landlines...


  1. I never dreamed I’d see the day when house phones were obsolete! Remember the wall phones with long curly cords? And those pretty Princess phones? And then the cordless phones? Life has sure changed!

  2. I used a wall phone too when I was a kid. I remember yelling it was long distance so people would hurry and get to the phone!
    We don't have a land line anymore.

  3. My husband and I haven't had a landline in more years than I can recall and my parents haven't had a landline since 2005.

  4. LOL- We have been talking about dumping our landline, too. John is a chaplain though and so it is required by the hospital for him to have that. Otherwise- we don't really need it.

  5. funny. We do move along, don't we?

  6. We finally got rid of our and I have to say I wish we would have done it much sooner!

  7. We still have one! To remote where we live, that we can't trust cell signals.


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