Thursday, 11 January 2018

Need Some Inspiration? Try Some Bread!

One Hour Buttermilk Rolls

Food on Friday: December gave us some inspirational breads.  I have selected some that I found particularly interesting.  (A note – I have still to work up the courage to attempt bread)

Margaret's Morsels brought us the lovely One Hour Buttermilk Rolls at the top of this post.

Jamie's Focaccia Bread by Squirrel Head Manor

Cranberry-Cheddar Quick Bread by James & Everett

Homemade Bread in One Hour by Countrified Hicks


  1. Fantastic bread recipes! Cranberry and cheese - YUM!

  2. Thanks for the shout out on the focaccia! I very much want those pretzel bites. Looks great.


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