Sunday, 25 June 2017

Hawaiian Pork

Carole's Chatter: Hawaiian Pork

Forgive me for the name of the dish.  I don't imagine that this pork is in any way authentically Hawaiian.  But it had pineapple in the sauce so I took the liberty of naming it that.  The pineapple was left over from my Kumara Pie.


Pork Slices – naughty but nice
Crushed pineapple
Cherry BBQ Sauce (leftover from a Christmas hamper0
Salt & pepper
Equal quantities of brown sugar and rice vinegar
Worcestershire Sauce
Chilli oil


I used a casserole dish.  I oiled it with the chilli oil and then put the pork slices onto the bottom in a single layer.

I poured the other ingredients around the pork and cooked it in a moderate oven for about an hour with a lid on and finished it for about 20 minutes with the lid off so it would go golden.


  1. Sounds like a great fall dinner and pork and pineapple do tend to go together, don't they?

  2. I like the sound of an easy meal that has a big return on flavor! Maybe I could bring the rum drinks.

  3. Sounds good. Our pineapples are almost ripe, some can maybe even be picked today??

  4. Pineapple and pork sound very Hawaiian- sounds like an easy recipe for a satisfying meal


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