Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Scalloped Kumara and Potato

Carole's Chatter: Scalloped Kumara and Potato

Just a simple sweet potato/potato dish for you today.  You can change it up to suit your own tastes.

Slice your potatoes/kumara – try to have them a reasonably even thickness.  Layer them in your oiled baking dish with salt, pepper and a sprinkling of cinnamon on top of each layer.

Carole's Chatter: Scalloped Kumara and Potato

Mix together some coconut cream, chicken stock concentrate, ¼ cup of ginger tea and pour it over the potatoes.  Put some knobs of butter on top.  I thought about adding a layer of cheese on top but didn't

Cook in a moderate oven until tender and golden.


  1. Kumara, kiwi for sweet potatoes, eh? I have some in the house, and scallops too in the freezer. Maybe I can give this a try. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ummm...where do the scallops come in? We do bake kumara...or potatoes for that matter, quite often, in fact. Very nice. My girl loves them!

    1. No shellfish in the dish - scalloped just refers to the technique of cooking layers of potato in some liquid - cream, stock or coconut cream.

  3. I think cheese would sound really good with that


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