Saturday 16 May 2015

Hatfield House, London

Today's travel post is meant to transport you to another time and place – to Hatfield House just north of London.

You can visit Hatfield House any day between the end of March and the beginning of October.

The house (if you can call something so grand and large a house) was originally built for a bishop but good old Henry the Eighth appropriated it for his own use after the split with Rome.  It was mainly used as a residence for his children.

Famously, Elizabeth was sitting in the gardens when news was brought to her that her half sister Mary had died and she was now Queen.  This was in 1558.

This portrait of Queen Elizabeth known as the Rainbow Portrait is found at the house.

The house has 2 wings joined by a central block, the whole making a letter E – very popular design in Elizabethan times.

This is the Grand Staircase – very grand indeed!

 And how about this room – the King James' Drawing Room!

1 comment:

  1. How interesting. I like the house and the portraits.


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