Friday, 20 February 2015

Food on Friday: Asparagus

We've done Asparagus before but it was quite some time ago – April 2012 to be exact – so we're doing it again!

To add your dishes featuring asparagus, just put the name of the dish together with your blog name/name into the first Mr Linky box you will find below.  Then paste the url for your post about it into the second box.

I'll be pinning the links to this Pinboard – this is a quick way for you to scan the dishes and choose which ones you want to check out in more detail.  You will find the dishes from the earlier collection on this Pinboard as well.

Have fun – and enjoy the asparagus.


  1. Hi Carole~ Thanks for the party~ Hope you enjoy the Vegetable Bundles I brought to the party:) It's a balmy 1° here in Northern WI with a wind chill of -11 below~ Stay Warm~ Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

  2. Hi, Carole and all!

    The link for my Ma’s Farfalle Salad ( # 9 ) is a handy recipe that can use whatever’s on hand, especially leftover bits. It also has a link for Carmela Soprano’s Bow Ties with Fresh Tomatoes and Mozzarella recipe.

    Lynn, it’s a balmy -35ยบ C here in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Stay warm indeed!!

  3. Hi Carole, we love asparagus and serve it quite often. I have lots of asparagus recipes on my blog, but I've chosen asparagus topped with sliced strawberries and crumbled feta cheese. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  4. i am so envious that you have fresh asparagus available! we still have a few months to go before our Spring makes an appearance.

  5. Can't go wrong with Asparagus. Good choice.

    Margaret, You need to visit the Island. We have been enjoying warmer than average temperatures for the last couple of weeks. 12°C to 16°F (50 to 60°F). Cherry blossoms have been out in Victoria for at least three weeks and my chives are up a foot.

  6. Mmmm, I love asparagus! It's been winter here for far too long, and I can't wait for spring and the seasonal, fresh asparagus that comes with it! I have shared a few of my favourite things to do with .a tart, or a soup, or eaten with eggs!

  7. Asparagus is just now hitting the market...looking forward to trying out some of these dishes!

  8. I've added a couple:

    Roasted Asparagus with Lemon Zest and Nutmeg
    Asparagus Gazpacho

    I love asparagus... but you probably figured that out already.

  9. Asparagus pairs really well with shrimp...sharing a few stir-fries.

  10. Hi Carole. I love asparagus but I was surprised to see I only had two recipes using it. This list may cure that!

  11. Hi Carole, I love asparagus but I was surprised to see I only had two recipes using it. This list may change that!

  12. Ughhhh! Sorry Carole. I did it again. I hit enter before I completed the first link for my Wild Rice Salad with Asparagus and Baby Corn. Could you please delete the first entry (#36) as it has the wrong link. Thanks and my apologies.

    But getting back to asparagus... nothing says "change of season" like it. Love the stuff.

  13. We love Jacques Pepin's recipe for Asparagus in Mustard Sauce!

  14. Thanks for hosting. I linked up my recipe for Garlic Roasted Asparagus because you can never have too much garlic. :)

  15. Wow, I love asparagus so I will find lots of new recipes on your linkups today!

  16. Some interesting recipes this week. Thanks for hosting!

  17. Carole, I don't do enough with asparagus -- just steam it or add it to pasta. Must remedy that. Glad your house-hunting is over! How far from your old house to your new house?

  18. Thanks for hosting the party Carole! The Crispy Fresh Asparagus is still our very favorite asparagus dish and we are eagerly watching our little asparagus patch for the first signs of asparagus! Even though it is covered in snow and the thermometer says 11*.

  19. Can't wait for asparagus season as I sit here watching snow falling yet again!


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