Thursday, 25 December 2014

Need Some Inspiration? Try Bacon!

Palachinka's Melting Pears
Food on Friday: Bacon was a true bacon-lovers delight.  Over 70 dishes were linked in.  To see them at a glance I suggest you head over to this Pinboard.

The pic at the top is of Palachinka's Melting Pears – fab pic!

Easy Bacon Wrapped BBQ Meatballs by My Pinterventures

Scallops Love Bacon by Bunny. Eats. Design

Bacon Wrapped Chicken by Artsy Fartsy Mama


  1. Wow these look wonderful! My youngest would love the pickle poppers. Thanks so much for including me in the round-up.

  2. Thank you so much for featuring our bacon wrapped pickles! :) Hope you had a lovely holiday!


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