Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Here's to Carole's Chatter – my blog is now 3!

Well, what do you know!  Carole's Chatter turns 3 today.  It's been 3 super years. 

As a tiny celebration I will send an individually handwritten New Zealand postcard  (or one from elsewhere if the recipient is a Kiwi) to 15 people who  comment on this post, leaving their name/blog name and their email too.  You can decode the email address if you like eg ca4ole AT gmail DOT com.  

I'll then email you to get a postal address for you. (If you get email reminders from me about Food on Friday or Books You Loved, I'll have your email address already)

If you are leaving a comment but don't want to get a postcard, please just say so.

If there are more than 15 qualifying comments in the first 24 hours, I'll select 15 by drawing numbers out of a hat, so to speak!


  1. Happy Birthday - mine is too this month! x

  2. Congratulations and Happy 3rd Birthday, Carole!!

    Your blog is such fun to read and I love the Food on Friday feature.
    All the best with your future posts and endeavours! (( hugs ))

  3. Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment.

    (You can leave me out of the post card list.)

  4. Oooh freaky, it's my birthday on the 28th October too ! Happy birthday to your fab blog (and to me ! lol)

    Cheryl @ Madhouse Family Reviews
    cherylpasquier2002 at yahoo.fr

  5. just stopping by to say congratulations! no need of a postcard, but thanks for offering anyway

  6. Happy Third Blog Anniversary, Carole! Keep it up and here's to many more great and fun years to come! [I wasn't here for the postcard :)]

  7. Happy Blogiversary Carol. And thanks for all you do to bring us together.

  8. Congratulations Carole! Your younger than I am by 3 months! I enjoy your blog, too bad I just couldn't 'get' those cryptic puzzles:( I really tried. I'd love a postcard and you have my email. Thanks!

  9. Yay! Three! And you don't look a day over 2 1/2.
    I have to look and see how old my blog is, I never celebrate :-(
    Well congrats and I would love a post card!
    I'm from the US.

  10. Happy Anniversary! I have enjoyed your blog for quite some time, and I look forward to celebrating our next milestone with you!


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers