Friday, 6 June 2014

Food on Friday: Best of British


This Food on Friday celebrates British food and recipes.  So long as your dish is vaguely British ie Irish, Scottish, Welsh or English then please do add it to the collection.
To add to the collection, just put the name of the dish (plus your blog name/name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box you will see below and paste the url of your post about it into the second box.
To help you choose which links to visit, I'll be pinning them to this Pinboard just as fast as I can. 

Have jolly good fun!


  1. I am really busy and almost missed this but I had to stop and share our favourite family dish, curry pie! A combination of two British classics. :)

  2. Hi, Carole,
    The post for my Ma's Queen Elizabeth Cake (#6) has a link for another Queen Elizabeth Cake. I always bake one when we get a royal visit in Winnipeg.
    Check both out to see which you prefer!

  3. This theme threw me for a loop because to me, everything Jamie makes is British! LOL But then I remember this wonderful British cake I made from the book Jamie's Great Britain and I thought it was the perfect thing to link up. :)

  4. I think of scones as British? Oh well. I'm not a world traveler like you are!!

  5. Ohhh...coronation chicken sounds good!

  6. My post is not so much a recipe as it is a description of a dinner fit for the British Royal Navy, circa 1805!

  7. I thought it was a pretty safe bet nobody else would be submitting Fat Rascals!

  8. A colonial dish from me!


  9. Now this is a category that I can go completely crazy with, Carole! I stuck to the more traditional foods, and I can't wait to find some new favorites. Thanks so much for the party, have a wonderful weekend. :)

  10. Thanks Carole - This American Anglophile loves to try her hand at some of the classic British dishes! :) Cheers!

  11. Oh brother, how can I choose? My mother was British so I have TONS of Brit specials LOL

  12. Hi Carole, I am not sure how British, but I sent you some lemon curd and some berry fool. If I am not British enough you can delete me, but before you do I must say they are pretty good.

    Have a good weekend.


  13. I've shared Lorraine Pascale's brownies. She's a British pastry chef and her original recipe uses Bourbons - a very British biscuit!

  14. Some really interesting recipes this week. Thanks for hosting!

  15. Great topic this week! Love all the entries.

  16. Thank you for hosting sweet lady! I'm sharing my fudge ever great browny récipe too! Enjoy your weekend ahead.

  17. Everything I know that is British comes from Jamie Oliver!
    Thank you for this round-up, Carole!

  18. Thanks for hosting. Love all the entries.

  19. I am coming back to those links!

  20. Fun theme this week - thanks!

  21. How relevant...the food here is often underestimated :) Good way to prove otherwise, Carole. Happy weekend!

  22. Great theme for this week, and I actually had some british style food I could add. So excited. Thanks for hosting this, what a great idea.

  23. I'm going to have to read through everyone's contributions!

  24. British food needs to be washed down with a classic British cocktail! Cheers Carole.


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers