Monday, 26 August 2013

Capital city of the week - Papeete

Papeete is the capital of a country made up of a number of islands.

The country is under the control of France but is allowed some autonomy.

It has a large and vibrant market.

You gotta love their buses!

So where is Papeete?

It's the capital of French Polynesia.  It is on the lovely island of Tahiti.
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  1. Never heard of this town! Thanks for sharing. I hope someday I see Quito-Ecuador in your list, which is a world patrimony as well. Have a lovely week.

  2. I think I should go visit, just to make sure those buses are as cool looking in person. hehe

    You know, it doesn't take much to give me the travel bug. :)

  3. Nothing wrong with learning something new. I just did!

  4. Fascinating! I'd never heard of Papeete, and it looks lovely.


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