Wednesday, 2 January 2013

2 January - Solution for the last clue and the next cryptic crossword clue

One showing endurance during adversity, coming from Barbados to Iceland (5)
Solution – stoic

A stoic is someone who shows endurance during adversity.

The word stoic is also hidden in the second part of the clue.  Can you see it spread over the last 3 words?

Today’s cryptic crossword clue solution tomorrow

Cap removed from toy gun (5)
Source of clue – NZ Herald

Hint – "removed" is the clue that this is a deletion clue – see the sidebar for explanations of various cryptic clue types.

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  1. Replies
    1. Right first letter Natasha. Think about words related to guns.

  2. Hi I found you on the Blog hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a minute. have a great week. :)


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