Tuesday 2 October 2012

Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen

So you think Bohemian Rhapsody is old hat – something everybody likes … well, what’s wrong with that?  It’s a triumph of kitsch.  A long track with a bit of everything. 

It is in 3 sections – ballad, opera and rock.  It took 3 weeks to record.

The lyrics are quite simply weird.  What do Scaramouche, the fandango and Bismillah have in common??  An Italian clown, a Spanish dance and the Arabic word for Allah – who knows?  Freddie Mercury never explained what the lyrics meant.

But this was the track that propelled Queen and Freddie Mercury into super stardom.  It is the UK’s 3rd highest selling single of all time.

Freddie Mercury was born on 5 September 1946.  Had he lived, he would have been 66 today.


  1. I sing along, like most of the rest of the world, every time I hear that song. And although with most songs I'd rather not know what the writer is thinking, preferring to interpret them myself, I really wish there was a way to find out what Freddie Mercury was thinking!

  2. I grew up listening to Queen thanks to my aunts who were teenagers in the 70s. I would beg them to play "the funny song" (Bohemian Rhapsody), which was my favorite. Good post!

  3. I absolutely love this song! Yes the lyrics are strange but all these years on and I know every one of them which must mean it was a special song :)

  4. Bohemian Rhapsody is a timeless song.


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