Sunday, 5 August 2012

Wells in Somerset – a fantastic cathedral

England has many pretty and historic places.  I liked Wells in Somerset – and in particular its cathedral very much.

Part of the cathedral dates back to the 10th century – which is an unimaginable age for those of us living in the so-called New World.  The West Front of the cathedral still has almost 300 of its original Mediaeval statues.

One of the streets in Wells – the Vicar's Close is said to be the oldest residential street in Europe.

Wells is named after its 3 wells dedicated to St Andrew.

Despite its grand cathedral not many people live in Wells – it has city status (since 1205) despite only having about 10,000 people!


  1. I went to Wells when I travelled to the UK and it was as pretty as a postcard and so much history to take in. Beautiful place.

  2. Beautiful photos. I like religious sites that are associated with wells.


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