Wednesday 22 August 2012

Chateau Villandry

Gardens at Chateau Villandry 
Chateau Villandry is a great place to visit.  It is not so much the interior of the chateau that is of the greatest interest.  It is the simply magical gardens – including large working but very ornamental vegetable gardens.  

Gardens at Chateau Villandry

This Chateau is one of the many in the Loire Valley region of France.  You will see it marked on the left hand side.  They don't even mark it as a chateau in this graphic!  And it isn't as grand as Chambord or Chenonceaux.  But I really enjoyed it just as much.  It was a bit more on a human scale.

The Chateau Villandry was one of the last of the great chateau to be built during the Renaissance.  The gardens were restored to their Renaissance glory in the 1900's.  They are now managed on an organic basis.


  1. Wow, it's beautiful! I'd love to go to France one day.

  2. How incredibly ornate and beautiful!

  3. Amazing, I can just imagine my son having fun hiding from me there :)

  4. Carole! I'm still here! I just checked on GFC too, i'm def still following.

    I don't do cryptic though, it totally frazzles me, so i haven't commente.

    PS: I'd love to play hide and seek in this maze garden!

  5. Hi Carole,
    I just found the volume of posts a little overwhelming.
    I will still pop over from time to time to check out your blog.
    Have a happy day.

  6. Oh wow I would love to go there someday!

  7. My husband and I visited those beautiful gardens and home. My husband drinks from the coffee cup we purchased there. It is a beautiful place.

  8. I would love to go here! The only place in Europe that I have been to is England. It was beautiful there too!

  9. I always loved Villandry best of the Loire chateaux. I could live there. Ax

  10. There is lot of articles on the web about this. But I like yours more, although i found one that’s more descriptive.


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