Tuesday 3 July 2012

Pont du Gard

The Pont du Gard is one of the most spectacular places I have ever been to.  I was lucky enough to have visited before they stopped people walking along the top of it.  Which was a bit scary because it is very high up and there were no hand rails – so it is no wonder they sorted that out.  But it was quite something.

It is a beautiful structure – and would be even if it was modern.  But the ancient Romans built it as an aqueduct carrying water in the first century AD!  How they achieved that is a miracle of engineering. 

It is in the south of France – not far from Avignon.  It is a World Heritage Site.


  1. I sometimes ponder what it must have been like when structures like this were being built. It's beauty and usefulness came at the cost of the lives of many people, probably slaves, I expect. There was no "health and safety" in those days.

  2. Wow, it's beautiful.. I still marvel at how we built such things before modern technology!


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