Sunday 15 July 2012

Look Away Now Dieters – Fried Chicken

Double Dredged Fried Chicken

After a bit of a disaster in the kitchen the night before (which I obviously won't be posting about!), I decided I needed to come up with a sure fire better half pleaser.  So I did fried chicken.

I used chicken thighs which I cut into 3 pieces but you could use any part of the chicken you like.  I happen to think that chicken thighs taste better and certainly are more likely to be succulent.

I whisked an egg and crème fraiche until smooth.

I dredged each piece of chicken in the egg mixture and then into panko (Japanese bread crumbs) and then repeated the process so they were "double dredged".

I fried the chicken in a mix of olive oil and butter (lots of butter).

When golden I popped them into a warm oven while doing the sides.  I did grilled tomatoes – done in the low oven just cut in half with salt, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.

I slow fried some onion in butter/olive oil (what was left over from the chicken with a little added in) and added a hint of golden syrup (you could use corn or maple syrup) and a sprinkle of chilli flakes.

Fried chicken, grilled tomato, onions and peas
I didn't do any potatoes because the fried chicken was quite decadent enough!

For another recipe, click here 


  1. My family would completely mutiny if I roasted the tomatoes as they ADORE them raw, but your onion recipe sounds delicious and versatile. Love the idea of adding chili flakes to an almost jammy onion side. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks also for keeping up with my blog, I really appreciate seeing your comments there.

  2. I've been thinking about making some fried chicken and this sounds like a good recipe to try.

  3. Yum. I love fried chicken.

  4. Did it taste as good as it LOOKS??
    I have never been successful in fixing fried chicken!
    So I just buy it already cooked - the few times we allow ourselves to eat it!!

  5. It all looks very delicious ~~ thanks ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Looks delicious! I have vague recollections of trying to make a low fat version but it was years ago. Since then I just buy it.

  7. I like the idea of double dipping to make it extra crispy. Next time we do our fried chicken wings, I'll have to try it that way.

  8. Looks so good, Carole! I'll have to double dredge next time, we love fried chicken.

  9. double decadent!
    I wonder how they would be in my oil-free 'fryer'
    I would miss the

  10. That's sounds like a dish to please anyone!

  11. Yummy, I need to make fried chicken!

  12. I don't think there is a food more comforting than fried chicken. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
    Rebecca @ The Key to the Gate

  13. We southerners love our fried chicken and yours looks delicious and moist. You've brought back great memories this morning for me of my mother's fried chicken and Sunday dinners.

    Also, thank you for your visit and comment to my blog. It's a pleasure to meet you.

  14. yummy! so tempting..Thanks for sharing dear..

  15. wow..yum yum..definitely need to try it:)


  16. I loooooove fried chicken, so it's probably good for everyone involved that I don't go to the trouble of making it very often. I've never used Panko breadcrumbs, though - I shall have to try that variation sometime! Thanks for sharing your method!

  17. You can't live in my state unless you make fried chicken at least once a month!

    Here's my first ever
    Weekend Cooking: Paris in July.
    Hope you will stop by!

  18. I like fried chicken, but I've never made it. The though of cleaning up all that oil is daunting.

    Sorry it took me so long to visit your post. I was out of town and didn't have Internet access.

  19. Looks Yummy!! Might have to try this!

  20. Woulde you believe I never mde fried chicken thinking hubby is going to say it's raw inside, lol..I have eaten it though and I love it so!! Thanks for your recipe, now I feel I can give this one a try and surprise hubs. Thank you for your lovely and generous visit and for bringing me here too!! Hugs,

  21. The whole dinner sounds great and I bet the chicken's amazing:@)

  22. yum, you had me at fried, giggle. thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop.xo


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