Tuesday 15 May 2012

Solution for 14 May cryptic crossword clue

Sound of seal in a small pen? Possibly (6)
Solution – Cygnet

This is an example of a “sounds like” clue.  For a discussion in more detail about these sorts of clues, click here.

This particular clue is very intriguing because the crossword setter is trying to send you off on the track of a seal barking.  But the “sound of” is the indicator that there is a word that sounds like something meaning seal but isn’t seal.  Here seal is used in the sense of a signet ring which in olden times was used to seal letters by pressing it in wax.

The rest of the clue refers to a “small pen” – which here is not used either in the sense of an enclosure or a writing implement.  A pen also means a female swan - so a small female swan is also known as a cygnet.

To be honest, I’m not sure why “possibly” is there at all.  Which is a little strange because normally every part of the clue logically points to the solution or part of the solution.


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