Sunday 31 July 2022

The Wedding Dress Sewing Circle by Jennifer Ryan



I have read and posted about 2 other Jennifer Ryan books - The Chilbury Ladies' Choir and The Kitchen Front  


This one maybe wasn't quite as strong as the others but it was enjoyable.  It is set in the latter part of WWII in a small village in England.


The story is based around 3 women – a vicar's daughter, a bombed out London fashion designer and her upper crust niece.  The story of the war is told through the effect on clothing for women – particularly for weddings.


The women work around shortages, re-purpose used wedding dresses and even grab a German parachute.  There is some romance – light and clean – and yes a bit predictable.  It didn't matter.  It was a fun read.


  1. Right up my alley these days! Right now I'm reading a Dean Koontz book.....Whispers. First time to read him and this is a really old one from 1980 but it is keeping my mind engaged.


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