Wednesday 17 November 2021

Good Morning, Monster by Catherine Gildiner


Good Morning, Monster is a pretty weird title for a work of non-fiction.  But you do find out what is behind it in the last part of the book.


Unfortunately I don't recall who recommended this to me.  It was a good read. 


The subtitle is "A Therapist Shares Five Heroic Journeys To Recovery".  The author was a psychologist in private practice.  She has chosen 4 of her patients to share their stories – in a unidentifiable way and with their consent.


If you had an averagely difficult childhood you may find this book an eye opener.  The stories of these patients were simply horrific – abandonment, abuse, etc etc  If your childhood was bad, I still think you'll get something from this book – but you may get upset along the way.


The author's point is that each of these people managed to work through their issue and lead ok lives despite terrible starts.  It is a book about recovery – it isn't depressing.


The author is a good writer as well as a therapist.  She is not over egotistical.  She is Canadian.


  1. Thanks so much for your kind words, Carole. Cathy Gildiner

  2. "Good Morning, Monster" tells amazing tales of therapy and recovery. Loved this book.


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