Sunday 15 August 2021

Buddha's Hand


There I was in the local food store, and I spotted a very unusual looking yellow thing.  It was called Buddha's Hand which is intriguing enough.  I bought a small one and then started looking up what to do with it.


Buddha's hand is a citrus – like a lemon – but it doesn't have juice or pulp like a lemon.  It has peel with a citrusy tang that can be zested and used where you would otherwise use lemon – although it has a slightly smoother and less acidic flavour.


In China the Buddha's Hand fruit is a symbol of happiness, longevity and good fortune – all pretty important things!


So I concocted a dish based on other ingredients I had on hand:




Buddha's Hand

Four Cheese Tortellini (store bought)

Alfredo Sauce (also store bought)

Baby Spinach leaves

Finely grated parmesan cheese






I put a large pot of salted water on to boil.  While that was happening I zested one of the fingers of the Buddha's hand.


Once the tortellini were cooked (only takes a minute or two) I drained them and then added them back to the pot with the Alfredo Sauce, Buddha's Hand, Spinach and Parmesan and warmed it until hot.


That's it! Quick, easy and with a subtle lemony flavour.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the recipe!! I recall seeing the Buddha's hand for the 1st time about 8 years ago, but wasn't sure how to use it!


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