Sunday, 11 July 2021

Potato & Bacon Frittata



I decide to post about this Potato & Bacon Frittata after I cooked it – so the ingredients etc are from memory – not completely reliable.




Leftover cooked potatoes – sliced

Bacon pieces

Rice wine vinegar

Chicken stock

Cream (I used tinned reduced)

4 eggs

Pinch of cayenne pepper

Grated nutmeg and paprika




Fry off the bacon.  Tip it and the fat into your dish and use this as the grease.


Deglaze the pan with a little splash of rice wine vinegar.


Add the sliced potatoes and mix up with the bacon.


Combine the stock, cream and eggs and then pour over the top.


Grate a little nutmeg and sprinkle a little paprika on top.


Bake in a low oven for 1 ¼ hours.


On tasting it I discovered that the bacon wasn't that salty so I should have added some salt (or more bacon?)


  1. A great way use up leftover potatoes. And potatoes and bacon are a classic combo.

  2. This would be a huge hit at the holidays in my family (and a good way to do a little food prep ahead of time!).

  3. That’s a great brunch idea. We love anything with potatoes.


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