Tuesday, 1 June 2021

The Rose Code by Kate Quinn


The Rose Code is a fabulous read.  It is the story of 3 women who worked at Bletchley Park during WW2 – Beth, Osla and Mab.  It is loosely based on real people.


The story effortlessly switches between events during the war and 1947 in the 2 weeks leading up to Princess Elizabeth's wedding.  I sometimes get annoyed by dual time lines but this was done very well.


I understood why the main characters were from such different backgrounds but this did make their original friendship a bit unbelievable.


A lot of things went wrong for these women but despite that they came together when it counted – for the country.


I certainly would like to visit Bletchley Park – if we ever get to travel again.


I unhesitatingly recommend this book to you.


I have previously posted about The Alice Network which was also good.


  1. I am reading a lot about England during WWII and this novel would be a fun addition for me. I just read "A Daughter's Tale: A Memoir by Winston Churchill's Youngest Child"; she volunteered at 18 in the antiaircraft brigade that protected England's cities, rather a dangerous job.

  2. Bletchley Park is well with a visit. My mum was a codebreaker there - but went to her grave without ever telling us anything about it "I signed the Official Secrets Act for King and Country" she said. They'd agreed not to speak until at least 30 years after the end of the war... And by then she felt she should still keep silent. But oh how I wish she'd shared her story with me!

  3. Great review. Have you read The Huntress yet?


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