Friday 26 March 2021

Out of My Mind by Sharon M Draper


Okay, I can't figure out a way to write about this book without putting you off.  But whatever I write, know this – this is a superb book that you will enjoy and that will probably make you think differently about people with disabilities.  It is a book aimed at kids 10 years and older.


The book is funny, inspiring, at times upsetting.  It shows how normal people find it difficult to interact with a person with a major disability.  On top of all this it is a cracking story.


The heroine is a girl called Melody – she is in a wheelchair and has way to control movement enough to feed herself or whatever.  But her mind is full of thoughts and facts which she eventually is able to get out with the help of some technology.


I hate the cover although it does relate to an incident in the story.

1 comment:

  1. I just finished this book because a classroom wherr I was subbing was reading it! TOTALLY blown away by the ending. No saccharine anywhere!


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