Sunday 10 January 2021

Cute Mini Pavs


Many of you were curious about buying pavlovas in the store.  So I thought I would show you the other common size you can get here in New Zealand.  Which I almost prefer.



I took a pic of the packaging for you.

So I decorated each one with sweetened and vanillaed whipped cream and popped some chocolate sprinkles and fruit on top.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!


  1. We can now buy similar sized pavlova. We recently used them to make Eton Mess. Break the pavs up, add some whipped cream and some berries....tada....dessert!

  2. Yes, I believe we can buy them too. They look absolutely delicious with the whipped cream and berries

  3. I think I can thse at a store here called World Market.


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