Tuesday, 1 December 2020

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini



Thanks to Tracey of Carpe Librum I got this stonker of a book from the library.  It's a huge one – over 800 pages!  So don't get it unless you have the muscles to carry it around and the perseverance to read it.

Be warned once you get started you will finish it to see what happens.

This is real science fiction.  It took the author 9 years to write and re-write.  What an accomplishment. Unlike Harry Potter, this is based on what science may look like in the future.

So this one is for sci-fi fans.  Or for people prepared to give it a go. It is both epic and personal at the same time.



  1. I am happy to see a review of this one. I think I will start lifting weights again in anticipation!

  2. Wow, I'm so glad you read this Carole and what a thrill that you enjoyed it as much as I did. Phew, no pressure!

  3. I read that one too. It is indeed a huge book and I really felt for Kira and what she went through.


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