Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Books You Loved: October Edition



Books You Loved: September  provided reviews of great books. Thank you to all. Here are a few that caught my eye:


To Sleep in a Sea of Stars was brought over by Tracey of Carpe Librum.  Her post said 'To Sleep In A Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini is a whopping epic science fiction novel bursting with adventure and I loved it!'


Book Reviews by Linda Moore contributed The Night Swim.  The review said 'No one deserves to be treated the way either of the young girls in this story are treated. It’s told in a way that you will feel like you are there. On the beach, in the woods, in the courtroom. You will root for the true victims in this book or you just are not human at all'


Elizabeth of Silver's Reviews brought over The Lions of Fifth Avenue.  Her post said 'Historical fiction fans and those who have visited the New York public library will be fascinated with this book and again get to enjoy the pull-you-in writing style of Fiona Davis. ..THE LIONS OF FIFTH AVENUE is another fabulous read that you do not want to miss. 5/5'


Lastly but not leastly, (I know it's not a word) we thank Dorothy of The Nature of Things for her review of The Testaments.  It said 'Atwood tells her story with very broad brush strokes. The narrative is very accessible, witty, and well-paced. It is a feminist document without being the hard work that such documents sometimes are and it has the potential to appeal to readers who might ordinarily balk at the idea of reading a feminist book. It is a straightforward and thoroughly satisfying tale of how women manage to bring down the patriarchy. It was a welcome pick-me-up from the gloom of the daily news and I'm glad I finally got around to reading it!'


Now on to the October edition.  There are no rules for this

party.  The only requirement is that your post is about a book that you loved.


To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box. Mr Linky now also makes you tick a box.


I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance. 


Let's all have some fun!



  1. Thanks for hosting once again!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for the email, happy autumn all, Keep safe

  4. Thanks for the shoutout. I'm happy to participate once again. Cheers.

  5. All great featured books. :)

    Thanks for sharing THE LIONS OF FIFTH good.

  6. Thank you for the shoutout. I loved THE NIGHT SWIM. It was very good.
    All good books posted.

  7. A lot of books here that look very interesting. I've been tons during my isolation, so always looking for more ideas. Will be exploring many of these reviews.

  8. There are some really great books here again. I will certainly try one or the other from the list.

    I myself selected the last Pulitzer Prize winner who definitely deserved his second award in this category.


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers