Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Books You Loved: August Edition

Books You Loved: July  provided reviews of great books – a smaller collection but a good one. Thank you to all. Here are a few that caught my eye:

Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson was contributed by Tracey of Carpe Librum.  Her post said 'I loved this domestic thriller by Joshilyn Jackson. Never Have I Ever is full of secrets, guilt, betrayal and mind games, and it also shines a light on the power of friendship. Amy is a brilliant protagonist and I quickly found myself rooting for her at every stage'

Lady Susan by Jane Austen was brought over by Jessica of The Bookworm Chronicles.  Jessica's review said 'This snappy, epistolary novella tells the tale of the beautiful, charming and recently widowed, Lady Susan Vernon: a terrible flirt whose unwanted visits and blatant manoeuvres in search of an advantageous second marriage for herself, have men tripping over each other, and wives, mothers and sisters beside themselves!'  I have now got this out from the library and can't wait to read it.

A Little Bit of Grace by Phoebe Fox was reviewed by Melissa on Goodreads.  Her post said 'This is the book you're going to want to put in your virtual beach bag (unless it's safe for you to go to the beach) later this summer. It's a sweet story that you will enjoy from the moment you pick it up!'

Dorothy of The Nature of Things gave us The Dry by Jane Harper.  Her post said 'Harper's debut novel made for propulsive reading. It was a fast read because it was so hard to put down. There was a sinister sense of foreboding and I couldn't wait to see what would happen next.'

Finally a book of essays, Here For It brought over by Doing Dewey.  The review said 'This book was a joy to read, managing to be relatable and informative, humorous and heartfelt all at once.'

Now on to the August edition.  There are no rules for this party.  The only requirement is that your post is about a book that you loved.

To add to the list just pop the name of the book (and your name/blog name if you like) into the first Mr Linky box and then copy and paste the url of your post about it into the second box. Mr Linky now also makes you tick a box.

I'll be pinning your links to this Pinboard to make it easier for you to check them out at a glance. 

Let's all have some fun!


  1. It's both historical and contemporary.

  2. Thank you for the mention, Carole and I hope you will enjoy Lady Susan as much as I did! 😃 This time I have linked the hilarious Lords and Ladies by Terry Pratchett and the moving historical-fiction, Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen by Alison Weir. Happy reading! 📚

  3. Thanks for hosting, as usual!

  4. Thanks for hosting this every month!

  5. Posted. Thanks for the shout out!

  6. thanks for the email, enjoy the rest of summer, keep safe everyone,

  7. Good featured books.

    Happy August...yes...I can't believe it.

    Hope all is well. Happy Reading!!

  8. Thanks Carole for the email reminder. Everyone is reading such great books!

  9. Thanks so much for the mention Carole! It rarely happens, but I had two 5 star reads back to back, so today I'm sharing my review of Katheryn Howard - The Tainted Queen by Alison Weir. It's part of the Six Tudor Queens series about each of the women married to King Henry VIII and their subsequent fates.

  10. I brought you four books. I have to check out Dorothy's review of The Dry. I love Jane Harper. I will have another on for you upcoming called The Silence by Susan Allott. Love that one.

  11. I had to add two books this month, both of them definitely worth reading, one for education, the other one for pleasure, though it also tells you a lot about Denmark.

    As always, I really enjoyed your list and being able to contribute it this month.


Your comments are most welcome. I have currently disabled anonymous comments due to unwanted spam. Cheers