Friday, 10 July 2020

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken

If it hadn't been for my kids' books project I wouldn't have ever even opened this one.  Horrible title.  Horrible Cover.  This book was written in 1962 but because it is set in 1832 in a past that never happened it hasn't dated.

The wolves are really a bit beside the point.  They invaded the UK via a tunnel from Europe and are a menacing force in the country.  But that is just a sideshow.

This is the story of 2 little girls, cousins, their friend Simon and how they had to deal with being left with a pyscho evil old woman and her henchpeople.  The baddies are really bad.

One of the little girls is impulsive and daring, the other more traditionally well behaved.  So it's a good read and it all works out in the end.  It is best read by the young … adults will ponder on some of the odd things that seem unlikely.

1 comment:

  1. I too read this book as an adult. I thought it was really great. Joan Aiken's books for adults are excellent too. She is so good with characters.


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