Friday 3 July 2020

The Witches by Roald Dahl

As part of my children's books project I have ended up reading a bunch of Roald Dahl.  My respect for him is going sky high.  The books are original, funny and even a bit subversive.

The Witches is a real cracker.  In this book the witches are nasty creatures – not only in appearance (which they disguise to look like nice ladies) but in their behavious.  They seek out children and kill them by using magic.

The boy hero accidentally encounters some and then the story gets exciting.  I won't spoil it for you.

If your young one is especially sensitive then this might frighten them a bit … but in a thrilling way.


  1. I think my grandchildren a bit too young for this but I am keeping this author in mind for the future.


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