Sunday 5 July 2020

Brazil Nut Rescue Mission

Carole's Chatter: Brazil Nut Rescue Mission

I had bought a kilo of brazil nuts from a restaurant supplier during the lockdown.  Far too many, given that we each eat about 2 nuts a day – for the selenium.

So I felt that the nuts were starting to deteriorate and wanted to do something with them.


Chopped brazil nuts
Chopped mixed nuts (about a quarter of the Brazils)
Chopped dried fruit – sultanas, cranberries and apricots
Maple syrup
Small bar of milk chocolate


Chop your nuts into chunks.  Roast in a dry pan.  Don't burn. Sprinkle with salt.

Boil a small amount of water in the bottom of a pot.  Put a bowl on top of it and pop in the chocolate to melt.  Add the maple syrup and chopped fruit.  Add the nuts when they have roasted.

Mix it all up and pour it onto baking paper on a tray.  Try to spread it out a bit.  Put another sheet of baking paper on top and then put something heavy on top and put in the fridge to set.

Not the prettiest thing I've every made but the mix of salt and sweet was quite addictive.


  1. Well don with coming up with something to do with the nuts!

  2. I'm glad you were able to repurpose these nuts. I have two bags of trail mix that I need to repurpose this week, I think.

  3. There's a rescue mission I could get behind! I love Brazil nuts, and would be eating far too many of them with all that on hand.


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