Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Curry Easy Corn

Carole's Chatter: Curry Easy Corn

This side dish, which I have called Curry Easy Corn, was  from Madhur Jaffrey's book Curry Easy

I followed her directions pretty closely (for a change) and was pleased with the result.  The corn was not too creamy and had subtle spicy flavours that melded together well and had a pleasant afterburn in your mouth that built up gradually.

I used 3 sweetcorns on the cob, but you could use canned kernels or frozen ones (Jaffrey says that if you use frozen you need to let them thaw and then drain before cooking).

I suggest you prepare all the spices/flavourings first because when it comes time to cook it all happens very quickly.  From beginning to cook to the completed dish takes no more than 5 minutes – super.

So in one little bowl put:

1 tsp mustard seeds (I used yellow ones)
4 cardamom pods (whole)
4 cloves
1 in stick of cinnamon
2 bay leaves.

And in another little bowl put a teaspoon of freshly grated ginger and 1 or 2 teaspoons of finely chopped green chili (seeds left in).

You heat up some oil in a frying pan (I used leftover duck fat but pretty much any oil will work).

When the oil is hot throw in the first bowl with the mustard seeds etc (when I say throw in the bowl I meant throw the contents of the bowl in!).  The mustard seeds will start popping almost straight away.  Just give it one stir and then add the chilli and ginger.  One more stir and put your corn in.

I pre-cooked the corn and then took it off the cob before hand.

A quick stir for a minute and then add the naughtyish ingredient 150ml (5 fl oz) of cream and 1 teaspoon of salt.

Lower the heat and stir away until almost all the cream has been absorbed.  This won't take long.  Do keep stirring at this stage – you don't want the cream to catch on the bottom.

Now you are done – just fish out the cardamom pods, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaves before serving.

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