Saturday, 9 November 2019

The Eighth Sister by Robert Dugoni

Anyone would think I was a fan of thrillers given how many I have read recently.  But it isn't my favourite genre.  But The Eighth Sister was a very good read indeed.

It is contemporary – had spies, the CIA, Russia, a court case and government hijinks.  The original premise perhaps was a little out there but once you buy into that this book hurtles along.

The first half is a spy thriller and the second half a courtroom drama – quite a nice balance.

Although I didn't know this author I see that he has written quite a lot of crime books.  The experience shows.

I liked that the main character was a 64 year old man – not a James Bond type at all.


  1. I love thrillers especially spy ones!

  2. I have had my eye on this author since he is getting the buzz lately. Glad to know this book was good.


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