Wednesday, 20 November 2019

The Bookish Life of Nina Hill by Abbi Waxman

I got this one because I really enjoyed The Garden of Small Beginnings by Abbi Waxman – it's on my Top 20 list

This book is funny, modern and relevant.  It doesn't quite make it to Top 20 but I can safely recommend it to everyone – not just book lovers.

The main character Nina is an introvert – happiest when on her own reading.  She is also uber organised and a fountain of trivia.

Life happens and she ends up having to deal with a new family, a crisis at her work (a bookshop) and a possible boyfriend.

The author's voice is clear and out and out funny.


  1. This does sound like a fun one!

  2. I read this and found it good too.

  3. I want to read this! I worked in a bookstore myself and, as you know, all I do is read.


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